We encourage the children to have a voice and we listen to their opinions and concerns. Here are some of the opportunities they have to have their say.

Head Girl and Head Boy

Chosen by teachers as role models to represent Y6 and the school.

Worship Council

Organising worship and representing the school at Church events.

Church of England Younger Leaders have regular online meetings with representatives from other schools nationally.

Heads of School Council

Leading the School Council - there are representatives from each Year Group who meet weekly and make decisions on behalf of their classes after consultation.

The school is divided into 4 Houses: Greaves, Fleetwood, Hesketh and Scarisbrick. These are named after families and places significant to the Banks area. Each House has 2 Heads and additional Prefects.

Heads and Prefects of GREAVES HOUSE (Red House)

Heads and Prefects of SCARISBRICK HOUSE (Green House)

Heads and Prefects of HESKETH HOUSE (Yellow House)

Heads and Prefects of FLEETWOOD HOUSE (Blue House)

Sports Councillors attend events such as the awarding of our School Games GOLD award. They also have a budget for purchasing playtime equipment (after consultation with chidren).

Eco Monitors check that energy saving measures are being taken throughout school and report weekly to the whole school, awarding merits to the most eco-friendly classes.


Pupil Voice































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