Wrap Around Care (Breakfast and After School Club)

Breakfast Club: £4

After School Club: £6

Book and pay in advance via ParentPay

Here at Banks St Stephen's we offer Breakfast Club from 7.45-8.45am and After School Club from 3.15-5.30pm. We aim to create a 'home from home' environment, where the children feel happy, safe and secure with familiar adults who already work in school. Miss McQuirk is a school governor and member of staff and manages our wrap around care. 

Breakfast and After School Club welcomes children from all year groups, from Nursery to Y6.

Breakfast Club offers a cosy morning greeting, where friends can play and chat together and enjoy breakfast around the table with their peers and adults. We offer a range of healthy breakfast choices (including cereals, pancakes, fruit and toast) and also cater for allergies. The club cost is £4 per session if booked in advance (£5 last minute), included unlimited milk, fruit, water and breakfast choices. Breakfast club is run by Mrs Cropper, who is also a member of our welfare staff. 

After School Club is run by Miss McQuirk. Children come to relax and play amongst their friends. They can also complete homework. Children help themselves to unlimited fruit and vegetable snacks, seasonal and locally grown where possible. They can also bring their own snacks if preferred. The cost of After School Club is £6 if booked in advance. Last-minute bookings are £7. 

After School Club







Activities include:

Sports and games in the playground and on the field

Exploring our forest and wildlife areas

Dancing, drama and songs

Art, craft and painting

Supervised completion of homework 

Other activities according to the children's interests 

For additional information or help, get in touch with Mrs Ousey or Mrs Tennant in our school office on 01704 225332 or email bursar@bank-st-stephens.lancs.sch.uk

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