Welcome to Year 1


Click here for Y1 Curriculum Overview

Welcome to Year 1! The class teacher is Mrs Robinson - she is the History and Geography subject lead. The teaching assistant is Mrs Cropper,  who will be supporting children with reading, writing and Maths every morning and afternoon.

Mrs S Robinson covers the class teacher's PPA on Tuesday afternoon.

Key Days


  • Please bring in reading books daily.  Class reading books will be changed during the week.  Your child will receive two books.


  • PE Day with the WLSP - children to come in PE kits.
  • Library day - the children should please bring their library books into school so that they can change them.


  • PE - children to come in PE kits.
  • Spelling Test


  • Green Phonic Book - New sounds will be entered into your child's book.


Number facts test - The children are working towards gaining a sticker for their Number Passports.  They will revisit recalling the number bonds for 5.  They will progress further and will work on number bonds to 10, 15 and 20..


The children participate in daily phonic sessions.  The intent behind this is to strengthen the learning of phonics, and ensure children become enthusiastic and successful readers and writers.

The Phonic Screening Test will take place, week beginning Monday 9th June 2025

Phonics At Home

We are working on Phases 3, 4 & 5 phonics. Click the links below to find pronunciations to support your child at home.

Phase 3 - http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU2vWZKS7rY

Phase 4 - http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR_IgfIgz10&t=66s

Phase 5 - http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3S5sJw7MfI&t=18s

Games & Activities

Letters and Sounds – Free phonics resources for the Letters and Sounds programme (letters-and-sounds.com)


  • Daily reading with an adult (remember to initial each time your child reads).
  • Phonics practise using the sounds from their green phonic books.
  • Weekly maths challenges - maths.co.uk
  • Number facts practise
  • Spelling test words (beginning in October)

A kindly reminder

  • Children should please bring water bottles to school every day - these should be clearly labelled with children's names. 
  • Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled - hopefully this will help us to avoid things getting lost.
  • Reading records should be brought into school every day please. 
  • Children need a school PE kit that consists of pumps, black shorts and a blue T-shirt. For outside sessions during the winter, children can wear black/navy bottoms and their school jumper or cardigan for warmth or a suitable hoodie or tracksuit top.

Other useful information

Purple mash & Maths.co.uk -  logins can be found in the front of reading records.





Our First Half Term! 

  • In English, we are studying the book 'The Storm Whale'. We have been writing short diary entries in role.  We have created story maps and written instructions on how to look after a whale.  We have also written a short recount of the story following our Talk  for Writing class map.  We will be looking at poems to perform.
  • In Maths, we have been developing our knowledge of place value. We will be investigating length/mass and addition and subtraction.  
  • In Geography we are learning to locate the seven continents and five oceans of the world.  We have learnt about the poles and equator.  We are finding out  about what animals live in hot and cold places in the world. 
  • In science, we are finding out about Animals, including humans.. We have learnt about the different parts of the body and the five senses.  We have learnt how to classify animals.  We be learning about omnivores, carnivores and herbivores.  We will be learning about the different animals groups. 
  • In DT, we have been learning about the different fruits and vegetables and how to prepare them.  We have designed a salad and can't wait to make them! 
  • In RE, we have been looking at Christianity.  We have been talking about the importance of love in families.  We are learning the Lord's Prayer and the importance of God, the Father.





Autumn 2

  • In English, we have been reading 'Traction Man'. We have loved our book this half term and got to know Traction Man really well! We even imagined how it would feel swimming through a sink full of floating food! Yuck!
  • In Maths, we have been so busy developing our number sense and skills! We are becoming more confident at applying our knowledge to all of the different topics we have covered including, addition, shape, fractions and sorting.
  • In History our focus has been on ‘Toys’ and we have absolutely loved exploring lots of different examples of toys, both old and new. We were very lucky to have a museum loan box from Lancashire Learning Services that really brought our learning to life. 
  • In science, we have focused our observations on the changing of the seasons. We have done both Autumn and Winter hunts to see if we can spot the changes that are happening all around us.
  • In Art our topic ‘Colour Creations’ has been amazing! We have identified primary colours and had a go at creating secondary colours. We have also had a chance to create artwork in the style of the famous artist Kandinsky! 


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