Welcome to Year 6!


Welcome to our Year 6 class page! Our class teacher is Miss Sykes - she is also our school's maths and science lead. Our wonderful teaching assistants are Mrs Yardley (mornings) and Mrs Buxton (afternoons). Miss McQuirk teaches the class on a Thursday afternoon to cover PPA time.

Click here for Y6 Curriculum Overview

Key Information

Key Days 


  • PE in the afternoon - the children should come to school wearing their PE kits. 
  • Choir after school with Mrs Mussell. 


  • Number facts test - the children will receive stickers in their number facts passport to celebrate their achievements.


  • Children who have guitar lessons should please bring their guitars in. 


  • Homework is due in on a Thursday.
  • The children will have a quick spelling test each Thursday.


  • PE day - the children should please bring their PE kits into school for a session with the WLSP coach. 
  • Homework is set and spellings are handed out (both due in the following Thursday).
  • Library day - the children should please bring their library books into school so that they can change these.

Important Information

  • Children should please bring water bottles to school every day - these should be clearly labelled with children's names. 
  • Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled - hopefully this will help us to avoid things getting lost.
  • Reading records should be brought into school every day please. 
  • Children need a school PE kit that consists of pumps, black shorts and a blue T-shirt. For outside sessions during the winter, children can wear black/navy bottoms and their school jumper or cardigan for warmth or a suitable hoodie or tracksuit top.


  • Homework is set on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday. This will include work set on our online learning platforms: Times Tables Rockstars, SPAG.com, maths.co.uk and Spelling Shed. The children's login details can be found in their reading records. Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and the children will be tested on these on Thursdays. I will email parents/carers each Friday with details of all homework tasks and information about upcoming events in school.

Useful Websites

The children could access the following websites to support their learning at home. Please contact me if you need another copy of their login details. 

  • Times Tables Rockstars 
  • Hit the Button (no login details required)
  • Complete Maths Tutor 
  • Maths.co.uk
  • Spelling Shed 
  • SPAG.com
  • BBC Bitesize (no login details required)

Our First Term! 

  • In English, we studied the book 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. We wrote diary entries in role and even wrote a debate about whether children should have been evacuated in World War 2. 
  • In maths, we developed our knowledge of place value and of the four operations. We enjoyed learning some new formal written methods for multiplication and division. We have learnt about angles and position and direction too.
  • In history, we learnt all about World War 2. 
  • In science, we found out about our circulatory system. We learnt about the parts of the blood and acted out the role of a red blood cell! We then moved onto our topic about evolution and inheritance. We thought about how animals and plants are adapted to their environments and then we learnt about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. We enjoyed completing the bird beak experiment to demonstrate this.
  • In art, we learnt about the work of official war artists, who were commissioned in World War 1. In DT, we designed and built bridges! 
  • In RE, we have started to think about our key question - 'Is Life Like a Journey?' We have learnt about Christian rites of passage - baptism and confirmation. We have also developed our knowledge and understanding of the Hindu faith.

We made a model of the blood in our science lesson. We used different items of food to represent varying parts of the blood. 


Some children have brought in artefacts from World War 2! We have loved to see these and hear stories of their relatives. 

Here are some pictures from our recent Macmillan Coffee Morning! 



Our Wonderful Work

Here are some examples of Year 6 pieces of work. We think you’ll be impressed!

Year 6 work





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