Welcome to Year 2!

Our class teacher is Mrs Swift who is also our Art and Design Technology subject lead. We are also very lucky to have Mrs Buxton in class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and Mrs S Robinson on Thursday and Friday morning and they help support our wonderful children with reading, writing and maths every morning. Mrs S Robinson also covers PPA time on a Monday afternoon.

What our week looks like:

  • Monday - Library day.
  • Tuesday – Book changing day.
  • Wednesday - PE day, guitar lessons for those who are involved.
  • Thursday – Book changing day and weekly spelling check.
  • Friday – PE day, new spellings issued and homework set.

Any updates or changes to our week will be sent out on our weekly email.


Important Information

  • New spellings are issued on a Friday along with tasks set on spag.com or maths.co.uk. The children's login details can be found in the front of their reading records.
  • Children will need a labelled water bottle in school with them each day.
  • Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled - hopefully this will help us to avoid things getting lost!


Useful Websites in Year 2

A white calendar with blue squares

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Autumn 1 in Year 2

Our topic for this term is called Explorers. It is a History and Geography based topic where we will be looking at the world, oceans, space and the people that have explored them and discovered new places. We will investigate how Explorers methods and equipment have changed over time and the different equipment you would need for exploring different continents.

In English we are starting with the book, ‘Man on the Moon,’ by Simon Bartram and we will cover short narrative pieces and use our growing knowledge to create our own non chronological reports.

Like last year, the children’s daily phonics sessions will continue to ensure that they are all getting specific teaching according to their needs. They will continue to learn and embed known and new sounds and tricky words. The children will have spellings sent home each week that will either practise common exception words, tricky words or secure what we have learnt in school the previous week in our phonic sessions.

In maths we will begin the year by refreshing and furthering our knowledge of number and place value by reading and writing numbers to at least 100 and recognising the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens and ones). We will also look at estimating and measuring length, addition and subtraction, and the properties of 2D shapes including the number of sides and lines of symmetry.



Autumn 2 in Year 2

What a busy half term we have had in Year 2! Although we are always really busy this time of year in school, I think it’s one of my favourite half terms in school!

We came back to school after half term and got straight into our new book Rapunzel by Bethan Woolvin. Our ‘fairy tale with a twist’ theme has been really enjoyed and it has been great to look at the traditional aspects of fairy tales and then think about how we can make them our own. Rapunzel even popped in to visit Year 2!

We have had a Geography focus in our topic based work and we have focused on our local area and aspects of map reading. We have become really confident map readers and we are very good at spotting what is a physical and what is a human feature in and around our school.

Our Art focus as been ‘Earth Art’ and I have been blown away by the creativity and expression that Year 2 have shown in their pieces of art.

We have continued to build on our ever expanding maths knowledge and have covered, fractions, money, capacity and volume, multiplication and sorting and statistics.

On top of all this we put on the most amazing Nativity performance, Rodney the Stable Rat. What a half term!!












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