Subject Statement of Intent

At Banks St Stephen’s, we aim to encourage children to be scientifically curious, observing and asking questions about the world around them. We want our children to be creative, independent and show perseverance when planning and carrying out scientific enquiries. We aim for children to communicate their scientific findings confidently to others, using the correct scientific vocabulary. Ultimately, we hope that children will be enthusiastic and motivated scientists, who will continue their love of learning science beyond Banks St Stephen’s.

Science Documents

Learning Science at Home

Below are some useful websites for science learning at home. 

Our Science Principles

We have created our own school science principles. Our science principles are displayed in all classrooms on our special science shirts. Science is good when we... 

Gardening at St Stephen's 

We are participating in the RHS School Gardening Awards. Many thanks to all of the local businesses and members of our community who have helped us on our gardening journey. Have a look at some gardening progress pictures. We loved planting the bedding plants that were donated by FlavourFresh. 

Stage 1 


Stage 2

Stage 3



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