Our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is Mrs M Mussell.  For details of how to contact the school SENCO, please see our 'Contact Us' page.


SEND Information


The FIND database includes information about disabled children and young people up to 25 years old in Lancashire.

Families are invited to submit details about their disabled child or young person to the database, which is used to develop an overview of the needs of disabled children across the county to assist with planning services.

The FIND service is strictly confidential - no individual information about any children or their families is shared with anyone.

Every family recorded on the FIND database receives a quarterly newsletter free of charge to help them keep informed about services and support which may be relevant.

The link for the database is:

Educational Psychology Service

Please see below for a link which I have been provided with from the educational psychology service which provides parents and carers with information about what this service can offer for pupils with SEND.


FIND Newsletter (Summer 2022)


All previous FIND Newsletters can be found here.


Break Time activities for Children and Young People with SEND

Lancashire Short Breaks Service are pleased to announce the list of successful Break Time Providers on the Local Offer and the SEND Directory:  








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