Our school MP 2021-22. We were thrilled when this Y6 pupil was chosen as a member of the UK Children's Parliament for the Glasgow Cop26 Climate Summit. Our local MP Katherine Fletcher visited the school, talked to the children about Parliamentary democracy and encouraged us to take part. This also provided inspiration for the local public speaking competition, where the subject was, "Save Our World". 

OFSTED commented how confidently the children spoke to them and how they were very aware of issues surrounding British Values, such as valuing diversity and respecting other people's points of view.

British Values

All have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values were first set out by the government in the ‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011. Our rich curriculum, underpinned by our Christian ethos, actively promotes these fundamental British values. 

We learn about other faiths and beliefs.

Our school library is regularly audited and re-stocked and the high quality selection of books reflects the diversity of modern Britain. 

We respect and value the contribution of the Armed Forces to the upholding of our freedom and democracy. Remembrance Day is a celebration for school and for the whole community, as Y6 and our school brass band lead a public outdoor service at the war memorial outside the Church.

We celebrate Odd Socks Day organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. See link for details: Anti-bullying Alliance

Mrs L Robinson, our subject Leader for history, led a powerful assembly to teach us more about Black History Month. The children were inspired to engage deeply, learning more as part of our curriculum, which emphasises the celebration of diversity.

Welcoming our friends from across the road at our Macmillan Coffee Morning. 

Click this link to see a video of two Y6 pupils who learned some Bulgarian phrases to help two new children. That's what our school is about - what fantastic role models!   Bulgarian Lessons!

Our school's Christian values are promoted alongside fundamental British values and they are all interlinked and complement each other perfectly.

Our school Facebook page has further pictures/videos of children promoting fundamental British values.

BSS School Facebook Page

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